BTP Episode 28: Goals Matter

BTP Episode 28: Goals Matter

You have heard it your whole life...

Set goals.  Winners are goal setters.  If you don't know where you're going, you'll never get there.  I am a big believer in goals, but to be honest, I was not a true practicer in my earlier years.  I thought it was a waste of time, or at worst a disappointment.  I was feareful of setting lofty expectations and falling short.  Kind of like opening the bill drawer or looking at the scale...

Run time: 35:06

On this episode of the cast, I talk about goals, goal setting, and why they are important!

  • Discussion of muscle and fitness type articles
  • How they re-hash everything again, again, and again...
  • My Grand Canyon vacation
  • Setting Long-Term goals
  • Developing Action Steps to move you forward
  • Why all that matters...
BTP Episode 27: F.A.C.E. it Fitness - An interview with Rondell and Zyla Clark

BTP Episode 27: F.A.C.E. it Fitness - An interview with Rondell and Zyla Clark